by Mary Faller
The hit reality television show “Shark Tank”, which premiered in 2009, has been bringing entertainment to America by showcasing entrepreneurs hoping for the chance to bring their dreams to fruition. These hopefuls present their “big ideas” to the sharks – successful business people that took their own dreams and turned them into highly rewarding empires. Entrepreneurs present their ideas to these sharks in the hopes that one will invest in their idea or product, thus making their dreams a reality.
The hit reality television show “Shark Tank”, which premiered in 2009, has been bringing entertainment to America by showcasing entrepreneurs hoping for the chance to bring their dreams to fruition. These hopefuls present their “big ideas” to the sharks – successful business people that took their own dreams and turned them into highly rewarding empires. Entrepreneurs present their ideas to these sharks in the hopes that one will invest in their idea or product, thus making their dreams a reality.